Last eight dollars

TTL;DR (Too too long) This is going to be a long blog, about the journey of our startup, from an Idea to Product and everything and everyone in between. I will try to make it as conversational as possible PS: I am a programmer, this will be filled with…

Egoless product building

It takes enormous effort to build a product. When I say product, it is not only the software. The product goes through a long process of ideating, researching, customer development, proof of concept, validating, structuring, cleanup, and then getting the product. "It requires more than an engineer to create…

Lets face it

While building a product, keep in mind that someday, somebody else, may create product to clean the shit that you created.…


Innovation is not going to come from the people who know in and out of something, but it is from the one who comes from outside and questions ‘Why should we do like this?’ –Undefined…

Think like product

WAT? While you think of a product / idea , it is usual to think like people who will be using it. But not to me, I do not think like customer, not like developer, not like investors or market. Think like Product How can you think like a product? Imagination… think…